Come Thou Fount |
Come Thou Fount of every blessing |
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace |
Streams of mercy, never ceasing |
Call for songs of loudest praise |
Teach me some melodious sonnet |
Sung by flaming tongues above |
Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it |
Mount of Thy redeeming love |
Here I raise my Ebenezer |
Here there by Thy great help I've come |
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure |
Safely to arrive at home |
Jesus sought me when a stranger |
Wandering from the fold of God |
He, to rescue me from danger |
Interposed His precious blood |
Oh, that day when freed from sinning |
I shall see Thy lovely face |
Clothed then in the blood washed linen |
How I'll sing Thy wondrous grace |
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry |
Take my ransomed soul away |
Send Thine angels now to carry |
Me to realms of endless day |
Oh, to grace how great a debtor |
Daily I'm constrained to be |
Let that goodness like a fetter |
Bind my wandering heart to Thee |
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it |
Prone to leave the God I love |
Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it |
Seal it for Thy courts above |