Now we want to discus the practical steps to take to get yourselves organized on a budget. If you are discouraged in your family finances, there is hope. Use the steps that follow as practical help in getting out of trouble and onto solid ground:
1. What is your total income each month?
It is important that you understand exactly what you are bringing in. If your income is variable because you are in a profession such as commission sales, make your best conservative estimate. What time of the month will it come in? Write all of the dates and figures down.
2. What are your fixed expenses each month?
Be sure to find all of them. First, put down the amount of your monthly contribution, the principal behind giving are that we give out of our own conviction (2 Corinthians 8:3-4) and we do it with a cheerful hear (2 Corinthians 9:7) and then move on to you house rent.
2 Corinthians 8:3-4
3 For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own,
4 they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Make an estimate of variable monthly bills such as grocery, newspaper, milk, TV cable, gas, school fees, and maid's salary, including electric bill, telephone, water etc., and when they are due.
3. What are your running expenses?
Work with your spouse, make your best estimate on such daily expenses, e.g., daily buying of vegetables, snacks for kids, non-Veg etc. Make your best estimate - it can later be adjusted.
4. Set up a savings account.
Even if it is a small amount, you will be surprised and pleased at how quickly it adds up. And you will be happy the next time there is an unexpected expense and you can cover it out of your savings without destroying your monthly cash flow.
5. Get others involved in your financial life.
Let other people help with financial decisions. Do this on a regular basis. If you are feeling money pressures, let your closest Christian friends know about it, and ask for their advice. If you need more expert help, there are people in God's kingdom who are spiritually minded and who are trained in financial management. Find out who they are and ask if they can help you. But remember, for some people, this is their job, and they may need to charge something for their services.
Example of a Organized Budget.
No. |
Particulars |
Amount |
- |
Salary (Total) |
10,000 |
1 |
Contribution |
1,000 |
2 |
For Special Contribution |
200 |
3 |
Rent |
3,000 |
4 |
Gas |
500 |
5 |
Electricity |
400 |
6 |
Water |
200 |
7 |
Grocery |
2,000 |
8 |
Milk |
400 |
9 |
Travel |
800 |
10 |
Daily Expenses |
700 |
11 |
Total Expenses |
9,200 |
12 |
Savings |
+800 |
We began by saying that money should be a blessing and not a curse. Take no shortcuts, work together, put God first and you will see God's blessings upon all that you have.
Develop Godly attitudes about your finances. Take the practical advice given. You will avoid strains in your marriage in future and have less temptations to worry.